Captain America: Civil War


Marvel movies are my guilty pleasure – I could watch the same Marvel film 5 times in a row and not get bored. I have seen The Avengers over 10 times, and if you ask me right now if I’d like to see it, I would still be game. The third Captain America film does not disappoint.

Why is this a Captain America movie, and not an Avengers movie, you ask? I don’t know what to say except that this movie is basically about Cap’s values and his friendship with Bucky. Yes, most of the other Avengers are in this film but the focus of it is Captain America. You could consider this as an Avengers 2.5 – I sorta do – but it is a Captain America 3. Consider it a sequel to both Age of Ultron, and Winter Soldier.

This movie focuses on the events after Age of Ultron. The weight of the event is visible on our heroes, especially on Tony Stark because he created Ultron and so feels responsible for the entire incident. This, in turn, makes Tony want to keep the team ‘in check’. After the events of Age of Ultron, another event takes place involving the team which results in more collateral damage forcing the UN to create the Sokovia Accords (Superhero Registration Act) which basically means that the team will be under the UN – responding to missions only the UN gives them. Iron Man is all for it however Steve Rogers is not. Steve sees it as another group with different people who has different agendas. This prompts the team to create two sides – Team Cap or Team Iron Man.

We see full-on Avenger v Avenger battle. Punches were thrown, new characters introduced, friendships were hurt.

“Here you get Ant-Man v Spider-Man, Hawkeye v Black Widow, Scarlet Witch v Vision, The Winter Soldier v Black Panther and Captain America v Iron Man, all rolled into one. And that is what you call the ultimate Marvel superhero event.”

I don’t think I need to mention how perfect the cast are for their roles. I adore every single actor in this franchise, which now includes 19-year old Tom Holland as Peter Parker. His Peter Parker is funny, quirky, goofy and instantly lovable.

Team Cap or Team Iron Man? Hell, I’m Team Marvel!

The movie is not just all action – though there is a substantial amount of it – but it also has emotional points. It’s friendships, camaraderie, loyalties.

I love every single Marvel film, but this is by far the best one yet.


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I talk about spoilery stuff next, if you haven’t seen the movie, stop here. Continue reading

Captain America: Civil War


This is definitely one of my most anticipated movies coming out this year. I mean, seriously, who isn’t looking forward to this movie? Some asks me whether I’m Team Cap or Team Iron Man, and honestly I’m not sure. I think I’m more Team Cap because of what he stands for, but Tony also makes a valid point. Choosing a side is just not a clear-cut decision.

P.S. Scarlet Witch ftw!

P.P.S. Captain America: Civil War comes out in Australian theaters on April 28. This is an American poster, that’s why it says May 6. Ha! We get something first for a change 😉

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